Thursday, July 3, 2014

My Hair Regimen

Last Revised, July 1, 2014:

My regimen was changed due to many setbacks. I felt as if every time I tried to follow my hair regimen, something new always happened. I had a bald spot in the front of my hair, I was shedding and my hair was breaking off badly. So, I decided to revise it my regimen because nothing was going right. Before I revised it, I was not following it and wrote it in my diary and noticed a change so, this is what I do on a bi-weekly basis.

* Before you read my regimen, I am mainly focusing on adding moisture to my hair and making sure that I retain it. I will add protein to my hair when I notice that I need it. Also, this is what is working for me at the moment. Make sure that you do not copy my whole regimen because it might not work for everyone. You can look at it in reference and see if it works for you!

Sunday :
→ Pre-poo using a hot oil treatment for 45 minutes to an hour
→ Shampoo, twice
→ Deep Condition with a moisturizing conditioner for 45 min to 2 hours then rinse with cold water
Air-dry with no product using the scarf method
Add leave-in at 90-95% dry and detangle

Monday :
→Morning Mist which is my Aloe Vera Juice mixed with oils
→Moisturize and seal using a hair lotion/cream and coconut oil

Tuesday :
→Morning hair mist
→Moisturize and seal

Wednesday :
→Morning hair mist
→Moisturize and seal

Thursday :
→Co-wash hair using a moisturizing conditioner
→Air dry hair using Scarf Method
→Add leave-ins at 90-95% dry

Friday :
→Morning hair mist
→Moisturize and seal

Saturday :
→Morning hair mist
→Moisturize and seal

Others :
−Relax every 18-20 weeks
−Trim hair after each relaxer, if needed
−Scalp massages using coconut oil, JBCO and olive oil
−Clarify 1-2x/month
−Protective styling, bun or ponytail

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