Thursday, August 21, 2014

Relaxer Stretch Goal Completed

I remember that I tried to do monthly goals but each month, they were thrown out of the window because I either forgot, I was busy or just sick. But here is the good news: I finally made it to my four month post relaxer goal on August 12. I never thought that I wouldn’t make it because I’m still learning my hair and trying to get it back to health.

I know it’s been over a year since I decided to take care of my hair but I had some set backs. There have been times where I didn’t moisturize and seal up to weeks or didn’t maintain my hair during the week. The worse of all, if I did moisturize and seal my hair, there would be times where I didn’t sleep with a bonnet. I know it’s very bad that I didn’t and it’s causing more damage to my hair but hey, I’m not perfect so please don’t judge me. :)

There have been some good times and bad times during this goal:
  • I suffered a lot of split ends leading to breakage. But, I ended that around graduation time where I got a major trim.
  • I did notice that my hair is getting thicker because my hair was really thin in the beginning of my hair journey and now, it’s thicker and looking healthy. Even in my pictures, there is a difference in my hair.
  • Protective styling was the worst for me! Each time I did a protective style, it would go horribly wrong. My protective style would only last for a day or two but once those days are over, I have to either co-wash it or find another style of choice.
  • During the end of my stretch, I decided to start my hair journey over which was the best decision. I was highly ignorant to healthy hair in the beginning. All I wanted was to find out which products were best for my hair, how to maintain it. All I just wanted was for my hair to grow out long.
  • I incorporated moisturizing and sealing 2x a day. Another good decision that I made because moisturizing and sealing once a day was not working for me. I began moisturizing and sealing in smaller sections and when I sprayed my hair with water and grab for the oil to seal it in, it would feel dry. Now that I moisturize and seal 2x a day, my hair stays moisturized.
  • Washing my hair bi-weekly was really good for me. In the beginning, I mainly used sulfate based shampoos. My hair use to feel really stripped until I started using a pre-poo where my hair would be clean but still soft to the touch. Usually in a week, my hair is still moisturized, soft and it doesn’t have any product build up. I also shampoo my hair bi-weekly because I incorporate co-washes and deep conditioners throughout the week to up-keep until the next week.
  • My last thing I want to mention is that I loved the fact that I’m working on incorporating moisture in my hair. Mainly all of my products are moisturizing shampoos, conditioners, deep conditioners and daily moisturizers. I’ve decided to do that because my hair doesn’t stay hydrated, it’s always drying out, etc. I do get protein conditioners but only when needed. I’ve seen and read so many things about when to determine that the hair needs protein so I’m well aware of incorporating protein in my regimen.

My next stretch will be from August 30 to December 20* (Depends on my hair). Here are my goals for this stretch:
  • Keep my hair hydrated
  • Think of protective styles that last for the month
  • Baby the crown of my head
  • Make sure that I’m properly taking care of my hair

My stretch is ending soon on August 30 so make sure that you stay close for another Relaxer touch up!

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