Ladies, my wash day routine has been so simply lately. Since I’ve been home from school, I rarely go anywhere so I keep my hair in 12 braids just to be ready.Throughout the week, I M&S when I feel that my hair is getting dry.
Saturday, my family and I went to the beach just to get out of the house and have fun. That’s when I finally got the chance to let my hair down. My hair was so moisturized and very soft. Until, that salt water reached my hair. Within seconds, my hair shrunk and I was looking crazy. Lol. I honestly thought that my hair would be very tangled but it was still soft.
The next day, before deciding to wash my hair, I noticed that my left eye was closing a bit and was in a lot of pain. I did a late wash day and still today, my eye has minor pain.
Simplicity is key….
Pre-poo: Coconut oil on my scalp and ends, left it on for 15 minutes
Shampoo: I was going to clarify my hair to remove any beach water from my hair but I decided not to because my hair still felt soft and moisturized. So, I used Herbal Essence Hello Hydration Shampoo.
Deep Condition: I keep it simple so I decided just to use coconut oil and Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner. Lately I like to detangle my hair before putting on my shower cap because it really helps to cut the time in half while I’m rinsing my hair either in the kitchen sink or the shower. I kept this mixture in my hair for 15 minutes then rinsed it out under cold water.
I finally gotten the opportunity to take some texture shots. Is it possible if you can tell what my curl pattern is? I think that it's curly

<------------ Regular curl pattern
Stretched hair -------------->
I t-shirt dried my hair for 10 minutes then styled my hair using the LOC method.
L: Aloe Vera Juice + Water Mix
O: Coconut Oil
Tuesday night, I individually unraveled my braids, re-moisturized then including adding Sunny Isle JBCO on my scalp as well as my troubled area. The post is located here.

How was your recent wash day?
I've seen some posts about using salt water to moisturize hair. May be that's why your hair was soft.