Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wash Day Sundays

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First Wash day of the year!

I’ve been doing some thinking and I really want to change around my blog. I’m planning on writing a post 3x a week and I’m thinking about doing YT videos about my hair. For the posts, I’m thinking about doing Sunday, Wednesdays and Fridays. These are the days where I wash my hair except for Friday. On Friday, it’s just going to be Random posts talking about hair updates, product reviews, etc. Okay, back to my hair!

1)     Pre-poo was inspired by Naptural85’s 25 Minute Co-Wash + Detangling Video which will be linked here. I used Coconut Oil and Suave Naturals Tropical Coconut Conditioner. I used my lovely Laila Ali’s Conditioning Cap for 30 minutes. The product review post will be here. So, I put the cap setting to high and started screaming because I forgot that the heating wire was on my forehead. Instead of getting help, my best friend decided to just laugh. Lol
2)     I shampooed using Aussie’s Moist Shampoo twice. I love pre-pooing before I shampoo because my hair does not feel stripped at all. I did this part twice. My hair still felt soft and very moisturized.
   3)     I t-shirt dried my hair for a few minutes then applied Hollywood Beauty Olive Cholesterol. Since it was so early in the morning, I decided to leave this on overnight and proceed to wash it out in the morning.
   4)     In the morning, I rinsed it out with cool running water. My hair does not like this product anymore. My hair felt so weird BUT I’m not giving up just yet since I’m in need of protein. I’ve been staying away from protein for a few weeks because I used it 2x in a row. To prevent having protein overload, I just incorporated moisture in my hair constantly. I would rather get moisture overload because that is easier to fix.
  5)     I air dried after using a t-shirt to soak up most of the water. I air dried with chunky twists without any product.
6)     I’m trying to change up my hairstyles since my go-to hairstyle is a Twist-out. I remember when I was first on my hair journey and tried to do a braid out and it came out horrible. My hair was really dry and it was a frizzy mess. Soo, this time, I was hoping that it will come out better. I used the L.O.C. Method using Water, Shea Butter and Cantu Shea Butter Leave-in Conditioning Cream.

These are the results:

How’s your recent wash day? Have you tried out any new protective styles?
The Wash Day Experience


  1. I sucked at braid outs too the first time around when I went natural 10+ years ago. I guess I am just more of a twist out girl. My protective styles lately besides wigging it are twists and buns.

    1. My hair was damaged and soooo thin while I tried to attempt a braidout. But now that my hair was healthier and it's thicker plus longer, it's easier for me. Although the only downfall my braidouts is that it takes a long time doing it, I love the results of my braidouts.

  2. Your hair looks so nice, but my hair does not do good with coconut oil. I love your results.

    1. Thank you! My hair didn't do so well with coconut oil in the beginning either because I used refined processed Coconut Oil. The coconut oil I used was Lou Ana and my hair was just a mess so I gave up on coconut oil. Years later, my hair loves it.

  3. Your hair looks so soft and healthy! My hair doesn't like cholesterol either, it used to love it once, but now it's changed it's mind, weird. I'm glad you had a good wash day! :-)

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I was really shocked to know that my hair doesn't really like cholesterol anymore. That product has been my hair's best friend. Now, I have to find something better that my hair will love.

  4. My go to protective style is a boring high bun. Chile---sometimes I do a double take at my hair when its not in a bun because I'm just sooo used to wearing one! I love the texture from your braid out. About how many braids did you do?

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. Lol I'm not even sure anymore. Since it took me so long to do, I forgot about the number lol. I can't wait until I can put my hair back into a bun!
