Girl, Where Have
You Been?
I want to
deeply apologize for not updating anything on my blog! Here are the reasons why
I couldn’t post anything:
1. I’ve been very sick! I’ve been going
through it as well as my hair!! I’m being so honest with you guys….I would wash
my hair and prep myself to post the next day and I would get really sick! I don’t
want to go into detail about it but my whole day would be shut down.
2. My school requires an internship
program. I decided to work at a hospital for the program and it was a really
great learning experience. Even though I was worked like a dog. (No complaints
because I passed with an A!) At the end of the day, I would go home and sleep
because I was so tired.
3. As for my hair, I don’t know what’s
going on. Since I’ve been really sick, my body would sweat and cause my hair to
be fried! At times I wanted to give up but I stuck it through because I’m tired
of my hair looking like this! My hair has been constantly dry and I’ve been
really slacking at times. But I’m going to step up my game by:
Hot Oil Treatments
(every-other day)
my ends
realized that my hair is very, very, VERY uneven, especially in the front! I’m
going to do my ultimate best to make my hair even.
You will
see later on in my posts.
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