Wash Day: Ambiguous Hair
I’m so late with my posts;
I washed my hair Tuesday (January 21)
I did not post my last
washday, Friday, because I was so upset with the results! Seriously me and my
hair was not getting along the whole weekend. My hair was always tangled,
extremely dry and a mess. I Moisturized & Sealed twice a day but that
wouldn’t help because my hair would be dry by that night as well as crunchy!
Monday came around and
I wanted to keep doing the inversion method from Sunday night. By that
afternoon, my hair was dried out.
By Tuesday, my hair
decided to matt down into an afro. I was done. But I found out what the problem
1. Open
to or having several possible meanings or interpretations
I’ve tried adding more moisture
to my regimen due to dry hair and it’s not working! I came to the conclusion
that my hair does not want to respond to anything and realized that I have
ambiguous hair. I went to The Science of Black Hair by
Audrey Davis-Sivasothy and re-read the section on how to treat ambiguous hair.
I saturated my hair with warm
water to remove some of the build-up on my scalp. I clarified my hair using
Suave Clarifying Shampoo.
I then proceeded to mix ORS
Repenishing Conditioner, LeKair Strenghtening and Conditioning Crème, and Herbal
Essence Hello Hydration Moisturizing Conditioner in my plastic bowl. I wanted
to combine my protein conditioner and moisturizing conditioner steps together
because I didn’t want to step in and out of the shower too much. I left it on
my hair for 30 minutes then rinsed it out with cool water.
After applying my leave-ins, oils
and air drying, I figured out that I just needed more moisture a few days later….
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